0(542) 631 7789 ekonozelders@gmail.com
MAN 321 - Corporate Finance
Bilkent Özel Dersler
MAN 321 dersinde Hocanın derste ödev olarak verdiÄŸi Study Sheetler üzerinden soruları çözüyor; gerekirse geçmiÅŸ yıl sınavlarının üzerinden geçiyoruz.
Ders Tanıtımı:
This course aims to introduce the students to the world of finance, through the fundamental concepts, such as time value of money, risk, return, and asset valuation. After taking this course students will be able to measure and analyze the financial performance of a firm, apply the time value of money to solve financial problems, value financial and real asset investments, define and measure risk and rate of return, calculate fair values of bonds and common stocks, and apply capital budgeting techniques.
Haftalık Konular:
Overview and Financial Environment
Time Value of Money
Bond Valuation
Risk and Rate of Return
Stock Valuation
Review and Mid-Term Exam I-
Cost of Capital
Cost of Capital
Capital Budgeting and Mid-Term Exam II
Capital Budgeting
Capital Structure and Leverage
Review and Mid-Term Exam III
Dividend Policy
Hybrid Financing
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