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MAN 305- Business Finance I

Corporate Finance GiriÅŸ dersi olan MAN 305 dersinde Hocanın derste ödev olarak verdiÄŸi Study Sheetler üzerinden soruları çözüyor; gerekirse geçmiÅŸ yıl sınavlarının üzerinden geçiyoruz.  


Ders Tanıtımı:

This is the first of two-course sequence in business finance. Topics covered in this course are: introduction to finance, types of finance, financial environment in which the businesses are operating, players and their roles in the financial environment, financial analysis techniques, basic financial mathematics topics such as simple, compound, nominal, reel interest, annuities, and bond valuation.


Haftalık Konular: 

  1. General introduction to finance

  2. Financial environment

  3. Financial environment (continued)

  4. Introduction to financial analysis and horizontal analysis FORM: FEA-CDF-B2-JUNE-2013 ©Property of Çankaya University 3/4

  5. Trend percentages and vertical analysis

  6. Ratio analysis

  7. Midterm Exam

  8. Concept of interest, components of interest rate, simple interest, compound interest

  9. Simple interest, compound interest, nominal interest, and reel interest

  10. Annuities

  11. Annuities (continued)

  12. Annuities (continued)

  13. Bond valuation

  14. Bond valuation (continued)

Çankaya Özel Dersler

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